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Bottom half of a two pond system showing the waterfall.

Top pond in a mature system that runs down to a pond beside the house in the background.

Once grown in rocks can appear like a natural outcrop. This is part of the garden above and the intention is to create an impression in minature of a much larger landscape.

Top half of the above pond. These images are taken immediately after completion before the planting has softenned the stonework.

Restoration of a pond system in a sunken garden. The pond liners are being replaced and half of the stonework renewed. The original design and construction is in this case creditted to a previous landscaper. The willing helper is my son.


It can be great fun to entice water to flow in a natural cascade or to make rocks appear like they part of the landscape. If you want to start from scratch or if you want your existing features overhauled or serviced I would be more than happy to take a look for you.

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